
Radyo ODTÜ – Modern Sabahlar

Ege Kayacan, FahirÖğünç and OktayDemirci were longtime friends before they teamed up for the morning show Modern Sabahlar / Modern Mornings. The show began in 1999 and became popular within a few weeks. Modern Sabahlar comments on Turkish sociopolitical and popular culture. Some have categorized them as shock jocks, despite their disagreement with the term. Kayacan, Öğünç and Demirci broadcast for approximately three hours per day. Some of the more hardcore fans, nicknamed "Kıpkıpçılar", have been known to go to extreme efforts to promote the show.

Modern Sabahlar airs weekdays live from 7.00 a.m. through 10.00 a.m. on RadyoOdtü 103.1. Podcasts are avaible on and itunes.